Wednesday, October 17, 2007

India 2007. Arrival in Delhi

We have finally managed to track down all our various team members in the chaos that is Delhi. This has proved quite a feat within itself. Between boats going missing, wallets being stolen and the usual attempts to scam money out of travellers.

We are now almost ready to get out of the smog of the city and head to the mountains of Uttaranchal, north of Delhi.

The maps seem to promise a huge amount of rivers, many of which are still unexplored. We will spend the next month exploring this region before crossing over Nepal, to the far north eastern region of India called Arunachal Pradesh.

So far we have managed to avoid Delhi Belly. Here team member Jason 'JJ' Shepherd models a Frig beanie ( We promised Ana that we would get some uniquely 'India' images for her catalogue.

Getting around in Delhi is far more dangerous than any of the rivers we are likely to come across. Tiny rickshaws and tuck-tucks, at times packed with 10 people, battle for position with huge trucks and buses. Right of way goes to the first to use the horn, but this is often overridden by who is the biggest!

While waiting for Zak's boat to show up at the airport, we have made the most of our time by doing some sightseeing in Delhi. However after 1 day of inhaling car fumes, we are all quite keen to get out of town.

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