Saturday, January 17, 2009

Fishing off the Hoki Trench

I caught a fish THIS BIG! No honestly I did!!!!

Dave Kwant organised a boat for the day to head out for some deep sea fishing off the Hoki trench. We were fishing at about a depth of 200m, and the first catch of the day was this monster from the deep, a Ling Cod. It tastes better than it looks!!!!

I was really proud of myself for hooking such a catch, but the Hamish had to put me to shame by pulling out a shark a couple of minutes later!

All in all it was a pretty successful day. Between 8 of us we pulled in 21 Grupper, 11 Trumpeter, 3 sharks and about 40 perch. We came hope with more than 70kg of fillets, and the freezers around Hokitka are still overflowing with fish.

Small but tasty! Lisa with a perch.

It was an epic job getting all the fish filleted and skined on the 2 hours cruise back in to Greymouth harbour......luckily the crew took care of all the hard work.

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